There is still room to register for our Level 1 session. Classes begin Sunday evening on January 26th and will run Sundays through to the end of June.
This is a great opportunity to fill in some gaps in your Pagan or magical education and understanding, or discover it as a new interest and path. We will cover a brief historical overview, energy work, elements, tools, colors, Sabbat holidays, lunar rituals, healing methods with guest speakers, and dieties from around the world!
Date & Time: Sundays 6-9pm starting January 26th
Location: ZOOM and occasionally in-person at Maison O The LaSalle
Cost: $150 per trimester (3 payments, once every 6 weeks for a total of 3 payments equaling $450)
Includes: a workbook with the notes for each trimester as a PDF emailed after each payment
You can register HERE !