Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Snowy Willow Moon

February is often a very hard month for folks. Valentine's Day... the COLD (bitter bitter cold)...

A long time ago, a friend used to hold a party in February called "Beat the Winter Blues" party. It was something to remind us we are still together, still have friends and connections and commonalities, can still support each other and our community, and can make it thru this horrible dark and cold time of year.

The weather and the light officially and markedly changes in February. You should be noticing that it is lighter out for longer. We get pockets of warm-ish weather between cold snaps... instead of just a long deep cold. This is GREAT for Sugaring Off in March.

What can you do for the time being?
1- plan a small sugaring off with family or friends or book to go to a Sugar Shack together
2- map out and plan your garden and start getting the supplies you need for it
3- take care of yourself! work on whatever you need to for self-healing
4- honor our health care providers
5- remember to be flexible as the willow even in the snow

Blessed Be all of you on this Snow Moon, this Willow Moon.


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