Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer Workshops in the Park or the BACKYARD!

As we get closer to a new school year, we are trying to get everyone back on track and ready to tackle the challenges ahead. We will be hosting Workshops in the Park on several of the Saturdays or Sundays (weather permitting). Here are the dates, workshop names, and the link to the first workshop.

Saturday, July 27th, 3-5pm - Basic Energy Work ($30)

Saturday August 10th, 11am-3pm - Pagan Backyard Vending/Garage Sale

Saturday, August 10th, 3-5pm - Books of Shadows & Sacred Journals $20

Sunday, August 18th, 3-5pm - Sacred Tools, Altars, & Shrines $30

Sunday, August 25th, 3-5pm - Introduction to Paganism $20

Labour Day Weekend - Dates/Times/Locations TBA
Graduation rituals for former students, Open House, Registration for September sessions

More news and confirmations and links to come as the weeks pass and get closer to each date as we watch the weather.