
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Happy Snow Moon / Wollow Moon

On this full moon, consider the following:

- What makes you feel the most cozy and comfortable? Five yourself permission to indulge in feeling this with these things.

- What brings your family together? Promise to engage in this activity once a week this month (or more).

- What do you need for healing your body/mind/spirit? Commit to giving yourself this needed attention.

- Don't forget to give your favorite divination tool some love!

Blessed be this February Full Moon.

Spring is just around the corner and will be here before the next full moon!

Monday, February 8, 2021

February Workshops & Rituals

 Lots coming up over the next few months. To stay tunes, please sign up for our newsletter!

Thursday, February 11th
- CMS Niveau 1 commencer (18h-21h)
- Dark Moon (do a personal introspective meditation)

Friday, February 12th
- Chinese New Year! Year of the Metal Ox (work on building your foundations and stability)

Saturday, February 12th
- CMS Level 1, second class, acceptance of late registrants (11am-2pm)
- Tarot 1B for students pre-registered in the Tarot program

Sunday, February 14th
- VALENTINE's DAY! (Tell someone that you love them, write them a love letter)
- New Moon (decide on a monthly goal and plan how to achieve it)

Thursday, February 18th
- CMS Niveau 1

Saturday, February 20th
- CMS Level 1 (11am-2pm)
- Tarot 1C for students pre-registered in the Tarot program

Sunday, February 21st
- Moon Lore Workshop (3-5pm)

Monday, February 22nd
- Ninja Day

Thursday, February 25th
- CMS Niveau 1

Saturday, February 27th
- CMS Level 1 (11am-2pm)
- Full Snow Moon Ritual (7-8pm)


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Love is in the Air / L'amour est dans l'air

Courting your spiritual education is giving your soul some love.

At the last Full Moon, I asked what does your Soul hunger for? We all have different answers for what that may be. Bottom line is that your soul has a need that you must listen to. It is time to court... yourself! Give yourself some love; give your soul some love. You deserve it. You are worth it!

This means that it is time to do some growing and expanding, some creating and exploring, some learning! If you missed the Open House, don't worry! You can still register for the CMS Level 1 that starts February 6th at 11am. Go to our Registration Page and sign up now!



Courtiser votre éducation spirituelle, c'est donner un peu d'amour à votre âme. Lors de la dernière Pleine Lune, j'ai demandé de quoi votre âme avait-elle faim? Nous avons tous des réponses différentes pour ce que cela peut être. En fin de compte, votre âme a un besoin que vous devez écouter. Il est temps de se courtiser ... vous-même! Donnez-vous de l'amour; donnez de l'amour à votre âme. Vous le méritez. Vous le valez bien!

Cela signifie qu'il est temps de faire de la croissance et de l'expansion, de créer et d'explorer, d'apprendre! Si vous avez manqué la journée portes ouvertes, ne vous inquiétez pas! Vous pouvez toujours vous inscrire au CMS niveau 1 qui commence le 11 février à 18 h. Accédez à notre page d'inscription et inscrivez-vous maintenant!

OUI! Nous avons un programme de niveau 1 en français cette année!