
Friday, April 10, 2020

Moved to ZOOM!

We at Crescent Moon School hope you are all:
  • staying home
  • staying safe
  • and staying healthy
Because all events and activities are closed through to the end of August 2020, CMS has moved all its classes, workshops, and rituals online.

Yes! We are online!

The switch was smoother than anticipated. Current active students helped test it out for rituals and energy work with great success.

What are we using? ZOOM!

We strongly recommend it for gathering without physically gathering with ANYONE. We have used it for classes, esbat rituals, workshops, student-teacher meetings, and for having social tea with everyone. The technopagans are rejoicing.

That said, we will have a few new events coming up. You can contact us to register for these or to get the ZOOM invitation for the free events. OR, you can find us on Facebook where the events will be posted and news is updated regularly.

Blessed be!