
Saturday, December 7, 2019

December News!

Yule Fair was a wonderful experience. Great to have seen you all there!

Registration is officially Open for thew February 2020 Level 1 session.
Registration can be done online through the website here until Imbolc weekend (February 2nd, 20202). Or can be done in person at the next Open House Sunday, January 26th, 2020.

December events?
There is a Full Moon ritual on Wednesday, December 11th at Argo Bookshop.
See the details here with the Facebook Event.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Birch/Beaver Full Moon

Tuesday, November 12th is the first full moon of the Celtic lunar cycle. Winter has officially begun with the ending of Samhain and the Elder Moon of November 6th.  Here is what to think about along with some things you can do for the coming full moon...

The Birch Moon is the first in the Celtic year and thus it is themed for new beginnings, making preparations for a new start, driving out evil influences, and for births.

You can make your Yule Logs, traditionally made from a birch log.

Announce that new project you are starting, like shout it from the proverbial rooftops (or post it on Facebook and Instagram... kind of the same thing). This way everyone can be excited with you and help support your new endeavors.

It is also known in Northeastern Canada as the Beaver Moon, which obviously is about industriousness, but is also about preparing for the winter to come and building protections against the cold and other interfering energies.

Knit socks, mitts, hats, scarves. Prepare a warm quilt. Donate thinks like this to shelters and to the homeless.

My daughter and I will make a polar fleece cloak for her, as well as polar fleece scarves for all her preschool friends. Her cloak will have protections embroidered into it... I hope. Perhaps things that will be added over time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How to Make a Besom

There are several ways to make a traditional besom. Below is an article that explains one say. Farther below is a video that shows you another way. Enjoy! Have a wonderful harvest and Happy Halloween/Samhain.

From the Good Witch's Homestead:
I thought that this would be a good time to share with you all how to craft your own Witch’s Broom, known as a Besom.

Technically speaking, a broom is the flat ended sort of object that we generally use for physical cleaning; while a Besom is a round shaped bunch of straw (or other plant material) bundled around the center handle, and is used to cleanse an area of negative energy, usually in the preparation of ritual or magickal work.

While you can buy a besom, and there are many lovely ones to choose from -it’s also pretty easy to make one of your own. The bonus of making it yourself is the addition of your own energy tied to its creation. Although the items that follow are for the more traditional style of besom, you can use nearly any types of branches and plant materials available to you. Even a wooden dowel from the Hardware Store can be used.

click the link for the rest of the article

Video by Michael Stibane:

Sunday, September 1, 2019

September Rituals

Here are some rituals to consider for September. This is the month of harvests!

Full Ivy Moon Ritual
Friday, September 13th, 6-8pm
@ Argo Bookshop (1915 St-Catherine West, Montreal)
What have we harvested? What do we still want to harvest in the coming months?
Bring a cup for tea and a journal.
Cost is $10 (prepay by September 12th via )

The full moon actually falls on Saturday, September 14th.

Public Mabon Ritual
Thursday, September 19th, 6:45pm
@ Angrignon Metro Station
Details yet to come, keep watch on the Facebook event:
Cost: $5

The Mabon (Fall/Autumn Equinox) actually falls on Monday, September 23rd.

Dark Moon Ritual
Saturday, September 28th, after the sun has set
@ your home or work place
Take a moment to hold silence and offer thanks to the land for supporting you.
Cost: your time and energy

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Register Now!

Registration is open and people have already started to register for the coming session. Registration ends at the Open House on Labor Day weekend.

Level 1: Sundays 11am - 2pm
$150 × 3 payments every 6 weeks
Starting September 8th
Max 8 students

Level 1 exemption exam $50

Level 2: Sundays 3-6pm
$150 approximately x 4 payments every 6 weeks
Starting September 8th

Monday, June 24, 2019

Long Weekends

St-Jean and Canada Day are long weekends here in Quebec. These are magical moments because they allow us to take time off work and spend that time with family.

Make the most of the the long weekends.

Do some fun and creative activities with your family.

Happy St-Jean !
Happy Canada Day!

What is CMS doing? Well... on the Friday before, a pile of toddlers (the coordinators' daughter's friends) will get together to share maple tea from Thesaurus Tea and make ribbon sticks to run around and have fun with!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Sunday, June 9th, 3-5pm
@ Argo Bookshop
Cost: $40
Walking the path of a warrior requires understanding the self and understanding the meaning behind being a warrior. What is a warrior? Common codes followed by warriors today include: Norse Nine Noble Virtues, Bushido Virtues, even the Jedi Code. Know thyself and to thine own self be true. This is the first step to being a warrior, the next is internalizing this way of life as if it were your own spiritual calling. How, then, can you serve as a warrior? Join us in this introductory workshop to explore the virtues and codes, the ethics of being a warrior and how to live the Way of the Warrior for yourself and others.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spring is FINALLY here!

It may not always feel like it, but the days are very significantly longer and we are starting to have days with temperatures above 10 decrees Celsius. Don't get over-zealous and start planting now. The ground is still frozen and we could still get some frost. Start your gardens indoors, and plan out the layout of your garden spaces.

What is in CMS' garden?
pumpkins/gourds/squash (the seeds got mixed up so... it will be a surprise!)
edible clover

Don't forget to do your spring cleaning and change the old winter air in your homes. CMS teachers do spring cleaning and House Blessings at this time. You can contact us if you need a blessing ritual done for your home or business.

House Blessing Ritual: $25/room
Business Blessing Ritual: starts at $100 (includes a small rite for prosperity)

Contact us for details and scheduling. Must be in the Montreal area.

Last note for you all reading this...
There are three events coming up:
House Blessing How-to (for those who want to learn to do their own)
Full Pink Moon ritual
Beltain Spring Fair

Blessed April everyone!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Full Sap / Ash Moon

Full Sap Moon
Wednesday, March 20th, 6-8pm
At Argo Books (1915 Ste. Catherine W, Montreal, Quebec H3H 1M3 )
This Full Moon is knows as the Sap or Worm moon for the trees and worms coming to life at this time of year. The sap flows and we have sugar shacks. The energy is quickening. It is time to move the body, do some physical healing, plan and do exercises to get the blood flowing, too. It is also known in Celtic Lore as the Ash Moon. This is a time for protection, fire divination, fertility, and creativity. We will be making Ash wood coasters for protection and as reminders of how we start to get our blood flowing in this time of year.

Bring: a mug for tea and your creative self.
Participants will be crafting.
Kid friendly ritual for children ages 10 and up.

Please bring your own mug for tea.
Cost: $10 ( Preregister by Saturday March 16th
*preregistration ensures those attending will have supplies for the crafts*

Friday, February 22, 2019


This session's Level 1 class is super full with 9 students, the max we can ever take.

All those interested in joining the classes for next session, please sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date on announcements and many other things (fairs, rituals, events, activities, workshops, etc.).

Some things to watch for in the coming months:
  • March Full Moon Ritual
  • Ostara Public Ritual
  • Beltain Fair News
  • WynterGreene Magazine
Check out the NEW TAB above for WynterGreene Magazine!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Late Registration OPEN

Hello everyone. This is a VERY big new year for us. We have a beautiful location and agreement with Encadrium to use their stunning location for classes again this year.

Here is a peak at what it looks like in there:

There are ONLY THREE PLACES left in the class for February, starting on Sunday February 10th at 11am.

Register here:

More updates to the website will come in the following week after the Toronto Tea Festival.


Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Happy New Year!

The new year has begun with a Dark Moon that just passed on Sunday January 6th, the last "restive" day before people get back to work and school.

Upcoming are:

Workshop on Lunar Energies
Sunday, January 13th, 4-6pm
Cost: $30 (Includes a Farmer's Almanac)
Register by Thursday, January 10th
*late registrants will not get a copy of the Farmer's Almanac*

Full Wolf Moon Esbat
Sunday, January 20th, 4-6pm
Cost: $10 (bring a mug)
Register by Thursday, January 17th
*This is to ensure I have enough craft supplies for everyone*

Saturday, January 26th, 12-5pm
At Encadrium (1507 Dr. Penfield, Montreal, QC, H3G 1C6)

Open House and the THREE activities listed below are FREE!

Crescent Moon School teaches the foundations of Paganism and magic without obliging anyone to a particular denomination. The motto is to help each person discover their own path.

Level 1: Sundays 11am-2pm starting February 10th (for 18-21 weeks)
Registration is $150 every 6 weeks (First Payment due by February 1st)
Includes 3 workbooks & a reading text (aussi disponible en francais)

This year, we will be hosted at the stunning establishment of Encadrium (which feels like something right out of Downton Abbey).

1pm -
Five-Fold Kiss (Simple Self-Blessing)
2pm - Journalling... Magically (Inspirational Ways to Journal)
3:30pm - Creating a Sacred Flame (Brigit's Fire or the Need Fire)

Crescent Moon School has been serving the community since 1995 and continues to do so through classes, workshops, guest lecturing at universities, rituals, hosting community fairs and more.

See the event on Facebook: